Monday, April 9, 2012

Baking Hard Boiled Eggs???


Pinterest recently had a pin claiming that instead of boiling eggs to make deviled eggs you can simply bake them. WHAT!?! This mind boggled me.
"Can it really be true?" Noooo...
"Why wouldn't more people know about it or do it?"
"Why the HECK have I been going through all the trouble of making sure to boil exactly right if this will work..?"
  So it seemed the only way to find out would be to try it myself.

The instructions on the pinterest pin said to put the eggs directly on the oven rack at 325 degrees, bake for 30 min, then place in cold water. Oh... *carefully remove eggs from oven with an oven mitt*

Well I put one egg directly on the oven rack at 350 degrees and cooked for around 30 min (sorry didn't use timer) and low and behold!! The MOST PERFECT "hard boiled" egg I'd ever made. Extremely easy to peel, and bright yellow. It tasted good too.

So I may just never boil eggs again. One tip: There was a tiny brown spot where egg was sitting on burner so next time I'll probably use a muffin pan. There are pins for both. I'll post links for both.  And it didn't matter for my egg that the oven was at 350 instead of 325.

Here are the links: Muffin Pan or Oven Rack

I hope you had an EGG-celent Easter. (I really just said that?) lol

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